[La-cgs] Senate Bill 76

Mary J Farmer-Kaiser mary.farmer-kaiser at louisiana.edu
Thu Mar 3 13:25:35 CST 2022

I'm still thinking through my take on the bill, Ramu.

My initial thinking is that it'd be good, particularly when we're talking about technology, building, maintenance fees.

>From what I've learned in my research, our tuition and fee waiver is pretty generous. Per semester fees are around $200 for domestic students and around $600 for international students appointed as a GTA, GRA, GA, or fellows here. What is the total amount in per semester fees that grad students appointed as GRAs and GTAs pay on your campuses?

Unfortunately, we have some "minor" fees that would be included in the proposed broad sweep of "all mandatory fees except tuition." That revenue helps us undertake some significant initiatives, and the cost per student, per semester is minimal (e.g., $25).

Examples? One fee provides funding to our Grad Student Organization to support research and travel awards and another fee funds professional development for grad students. I also worry about the potential repercussion to our University commitment of funds that help us offset the cost of the mandatory international health insurance plan for international grad students appointed in GTA and GRA appointments.

While I know we can and will find other revenue streams to cover these important investments, I fully admit that it's been nice to know that the dedicated fees are protected.


Mary Farmer-Kaiser, PhD
Professor of History
Dean of the Graduate School
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
mary.farmer-kaiser at louisiana.edu
<mailto:mary.farmer-kaiser at louisiana.edu>

From: La-cgs <la-cgs-bounces at lists.latech.edu> on behalf of Ramu Ramachandran <ramu at coes.latech.edu>
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 12:48 PM
To: la-cgs at lists.latech.edu <la-cgs at lists.latech.edu>
Subject: Re: [La-cgs] Senate Bill 76

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Thank you. I think this will be a positive development, if it survives. Is that your take too? A lot hinges on how we define "Teaching Assistants" on our campuses. We currently define them as those who are in charge of a class, i.e., named as instructors of record. Some campuses have only two classifications: TA or RA. We have three: GA, TA, and RA.

Best regards,
On 3/3/2022 12:42 PM, Mary J Farmer-Kaiser wrote:
Hello all.

Just a quick FYI to make sure that Senate Bill 76 is on your radar. It wasn't for me until recently. Our comptroller and I just finished up a review to provide the Legislative Fiscal Office with the potential fiscal impact of the bill to our institution.


Mary Farmer-Kaiser, PhD
Professor of History
Dean of the Graduate School
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
mary.farmer-kaiser at louisiana.edu
<mailto:mary.farmer-kaiser at louisiana.edu>

[cid:part1.NLo8lMXK.oGg4YEAB at latech.edu]

B. Ramu Ramachandran
Associate Vice President for Research & Dean of Graduate School
Director, Institute for Micromanufacturing
T. L. James Eminent Scholar Chair Professor
P. O. Box 7923
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, LA 71270, USA

318-257-4304 (Graduate School)
318-257-5106 (IfM)
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